(HealthDay News) — Nursing homes with staffing shortages have higher inappropriate antipsychotic medication use, particularly among nursing homes in severely deprived neighborhoods, according to a…
Doctors report they are treating more and more children suffering from psychiatric emergencies—but for Black children accessing mental health care remains complicated. A new joint…
Structurally marginalized groups experience disproportionately low rates of advanced care planning (ACP). To improve equitable patient-centered end-of-life care, the researchers examined barriers and facilitators to…
Few researchers have evaluated whether school racial segregation, a key manifestation of structural racism, affects child health, despite its potential impacts on school quality, social…
Infants whose mothers test positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) tend to develop less severe symptoms than their mothers or other members…
Many youth have a preference and dislike for terms of weight terminology, with differences seen across sex, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, and weight status, according to…
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers to be careful when buying prescription medication online. While some pharmacy websites operate legally and can…
Structured support from family and friends may boost patient activation and healthy eating among people with diabetes, according to a study published online Nov. 14…